Various gadgets are common now used in everyday life. Children, especially those who are growing up, can be negatively affected. These methods can also be tried so that children avoid addiction to gadgets.

The increasing tendency of using gadgets in the present age has raised its own concerns about the negative impact of excessive use. Moreover, the potential is great for children.

In that connection, one of the tips to minimize the potential for children addicted to gadgets is summarized by Bright Side. All of them contain general principles regarding healthy interactions with digital devices.

1. Determine the maximum time to use the gadget

The time children interact with a digital device, including TV watching activities, is said to depend on their age. Following are recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics:

- Born - 18 months: absolutely no contact with gadget screens, including TV. The only recommended exception is during a video call session with close relatives such as beloved grandparents.

- 2-5 years: children in this age range are advised not to spend more than 1 hour staring at the screen of gadgets, including smartphones, TVs, tablets, and computers.

- Over 6 years: for children over the age, setting the time to interact with digital devices is needed - specialists generally recommend a maximum of 2 hours per day. Gadgets are also emphasized that they should not take away the child's time from bedtime, physical activity, and other activities needed for the child's growth and development.

2. Don't just forbid, give advice

Parents are advised not to just forbid children from using gadgets but only ask them to do other activities without giving further choices. Depending on the age and interests of children, it would be better if parents can also provide suggestions for other interesting activities that can be done together such as sports, hiking, or fishing.

3. Give an example

Children basically imitate parents. Well, before banning your children from using gadgets, first remember what your interactions with gadgets are. If you can never be far apart with gadgets, it is certainly difficult to prevent children addicted to the same thing.

4. Pay attention to content

It was stated that until children are 9 years old, their access to the internet must still be fully controlled by parents. It would be better to prioritize educational programs and sites that can help the growth of a variety of children's skills. Related to that, of course as much as possible children should not be left just like using gadgets to access content, such as games, nuanced violence.

5. Determine the location / time free internet and gadgets

It's good for parents to also make restrictions related to the use of gadgets. Such as should not be used in a room that is a place of rest or there are no gadgets on the dining table when eating with family. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends avoiding digital devices one hour before bedtime.

6. Give assistance

Gadgets basically have a lot of positives. As a parent, one of the roles that you can do is not to get bored giving assistance about the digital world which can also be a place to explore knowledge. Simultaneously, you can also give advice that excessive use of gadgets is not good either.

7. Wise bermedsos

Children are not advised to use social media (social media) or other social networks until they are 12 years old. At that point, the role of parents is also very necessary in instilling principles in communicating on the internet.

In addition, parents are also advised not to be friends with their children on social networks let alone comment on their posts and photos. That was done in order to introduce privacy, and give trust, to children.

8. Provide information about the risks and dangers of the internet

Children also need to be equipped with the risks and dangers that threaten the internet, especially when they grow up so that they no longer need parental supervision when using gadet. Before that, parents are advised to start giving explanations on how to deal with cyberbullying, the dangers of opening access to personal information, negative content, and things downloaded.

Children need to be equipped with information about the existence of digital traces so that they cannot be carelessly active in cyberspace. Conversely, children also need to know that everything found on the internet must be addressed carefully and wisely, related to the rise of hoaxes and the like. Finally, don't ever get bored emphasizing to your child that he can confide in you anything as a parent, specifically related to things on the internet and the digital world.